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Build and launch your new nonprofit the right way.

Nonprofit ABC is a complete, proven, step-by-step 
playbook for designing and launching a high-impact 
nonprofit from the ground up.

Get Instant Access for $299
five yellow stars

"Since I met Brooke, our budget has grown 10x, the team has tripled in size, and I've grown into a different leader. We've shifted from being NYC-based to a national organization with bold plans to expand, guided well by Brooke."

five yellow stars

"My org will finally be operating a budget year in which we are FULLY IN THE BLACK FOR THE FIRST TIME since I started this role!!!! I magically received a $10K donation from a brand new donor last month, and who is already engaging with us energetically, and I just learned today, that a new prospective foundation is recommending a $200K over 2 year grant for us!! We finally did it!"

five yellow stars

"We've worked on hiring, board recruitment, and fundraising operational funds from foundations with Brooke's systematic, infrastructure-based approach, setting up long-term success."

Get Instant Access for $299

Starting a new nonprofit can 
feel hard and confusing.

How do I incorporate? Should I use a fiscal sponsor? Where do I find my first 
grants and donations? What exactly is my board supposed to do?

There are a lot of moving pieces, and you’re afraid of getting something wrong.

The good news: There is a method to the madness.

Now you can stop guessing and Googling, and cobbling together free YouTube 
videos to try to teach yourself everything you need to know.

With Nonprofit ABC you get the exact roadmap - including the training, tools, and guidance - you need to design and start your nonprofit with confidence.

What Nonprofit ABC Will Help You Do:

Nonprofits 101: Let’s Get The Basics Out Of The Way…

Learn the basics of nonprofits so that you can be confident 
about launching yours. What is a nonprofit (Yes! You can 
make a profit), how do you set one up, and what are core compliance rules you should know.

Lay a Strong Foundation

Design a powerful mission that will help you raise money, 
build a team, and create a community of raving supporters.

Clarify Your North Star Strategy

Get *crystal* clear about your program mode, and create 
your first strategic plan so that you can start to build 
partnerships and show impact from day one!

Find & Rally Your People

Make sure you’re building the people power you need to fuel 
your mission! Learn how to build and manage a board (like, 
what should happen during meetings!?), learn how and when 
to build a team, and get tools to grow your network of advisors, mentors, volunteers, and supporters!

Fund Your Vision

Create your first budget so that you can help people 
understand how much your vision costs, and build a plan 
to attract and activate the right funders and donors.

Tell Your Story

Get clear about your core audiences and messages, 
and learn how to talk to - and really connect with - 
people in a way that will make them excited to support 
your vision.

Plus, get these bonuses:

overhead view of a person writing on a hot pink post-it note on a desk with computer and calendar

The Life Cycles of a Nonprofit

Growing an organization means taking 
the right steps at the right time. In this lesson, you’ll learn each of the stages of growth in the life cycle of a nonprofit so you can know where you are and where you’re going next.

two people looking at a white board with post-it notes on it and pointing to one

Post-it Planning Method

Overwhelmed by everything you need 
to do? With the help of The Post-It Planning Method, you’ll learn a concrete, easy (and fun!) strategy for mapping out your goals and organizing your time. Get instant access to this productivity course as soon as you register.

room with a long table with black office chairs surrounding it

Board Communication

How do you keep your board engaged without taking hours to write emails 
they’ll never read? This masterclass 
walks through examples of how to use tools like Canva and Venngage to create compelling board reports!

five yellow stars

"Through the accelerator, I gained confidence that enabled me to set a clean donor strategy with my CEO. We secured our largest six-figure from an individual with our new toolkit."

five yellow stars

"The value she provides is so personalized. Brooke really cares about understanding each person and organization. Her advice is not blanket but tailored, making a huge difference."

five yellow stars

"We secured a new $40K donor. It was awesome to approach this new donor with an abundance mindset and also be very confident in what we do and what we don't do."

What's Inside

overhead view of a desk with a calendar, laptop, and notebook

A Concrete Nonprofit 
Start-up Playbook

A step-by-step roadmap that walks you through each step to take, and which resources to use, in your start-up process.

a person looking at a laptop on a desk and talking to a video of them

Bite-sized, Actionable 
Video & Trainings

Clear and concrete instructional video/ audio lessons that break down everything from fundraising to board management into clear and easy to implement steps.

Implementation Guides

Carefully designed worksheets to guide you through the lessons and help you get from idea to execution quickly.

two people facing a big window working on a laptop on desk

Proven Models & Templates

Never start from scratch or reinvent the wheel.

Together, we have more than 40 years of experience building, leading and raising money for high-impact nonprofits.

We've taken the hits and learned the lessons the hard way so that you don't have to.

We combined our decades of experience and lessons learned into this powerful, results-focused course to give you the exact skills and tools you need to bring in serious money from the right people.